About Us


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Shopping for a new computer can be a challenge. Researching, comparing and shopping are all necessary steps that can cost you money if you skip. But what if your time that is limited, technology is not your favourite subject, or if you simply don’t understand what all of those specifications really mean?

Welcome to our approach. We offer a simple way to skip this often painful process of shopping, comparing, purchasing and setting up that new computer purchase. This can range from an everyday laptop to a complete solution to serve your small business needs.

We begin with a needs assessment to clearly identify what you will be using it for and your budget.  Then then go to work shopping for the best solution to fit your needs. We will send you a quote that you are not obligated to.

If you wish to proceed we will also install any programs then setup and optimize your system so you can start using it immediately. You can be comfortable knowing that you made an educated purchase, based around your needs and not what the technology is capable of doing.

Most of all, we offer one competitive price to take care of the entire process.

For more information contact casey@customisolutions.com